Potions, Please!

“Potions, Please!” is a strategy/management game about running an alchemy store selling potions while evading the suspicions of the king.

NPCs will enter the player’s store, and request potions for the player to craft. Every potion may have a set of restrictions applied to them, prohibiting their sale to certain characters. The player can either choose to accept or reject the request. Accepting the request consumes the required ingredients and earns the player gold. At the end of every day, you are forced to pay taxes. If the player cannot pay the amount at that time, they lose.

Game Design Document: GDD


Use the left mouse button for clicking and dragging. You don't need to accept the potion requests, just drag the potion to the customer to complete their request or hit the decline button to reject it. Click the drawer to access your ingredients and click on the ingredients to add them to the counter. You can either move them back to the drawer or to the cauldron for mixing potions. Use the formula book for ingredient descriptions and potion recipes. Click on the scrolls for important messages.

To craft potions, refer to the formula book for recipes and drag the right ingredients into the cauldron, then start mixing with the ladle!


Programmers: Wayakuyee, Rengames, Androxium, Marbles

Music: Wayakuyee

Story and Design: Androxium, bigsippycup

Art: bigsippycup


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Can't seem to play, there's an error that pops up sorry!

That's strange, it works for me and our team members too.
What browser and device and you using?

windows, Google chrome

I've had this problem with Godot html projects before and found a solution. on the Itch page go to edit game, and scroll down to the Embed options and enable SharedArrayBuffer support.

I know about the SharedArrayBuffer, what's strange is that I've had this option enabled since I first uploaded the game to Itch, so I'm not sure what could be the problem for AntWal...

it was enabled since it was uploaded? I don't know what changed but its now working fine for me. I also had the same error as AntWal, but now its working with no problems.

(1 edit) (+1)

I think I've found the problem, Godot Web projects give that error when the user is viewing it though the Game Jam Random Submission feature. doing random submissions right now and seeing a few Godot projects with that same error, but it works fine if I open the game page without using the View Random Submission.